Financial planning can be a confusing topic for many. Faced with a multitude of different options to select from, most simply do not know what to do when it comes to their finances. The vast majority of us do not have years of economic training and it shows. Luckily, there is a solution to this problem in the form of a public accountant. Public accountants possess the knowledge needed to tackle confusing financial situations and explain them in an easy format in which the average person can understand.

When should I visit a financial planner?

As noted above, financial planners and public accountants have undergone the education necessary to understand pretty much all there is to know about finances. There isn’t any particular time period in which you should pay one a visit, but rather at any time that you would like. It isn’t necessary that you are currently undergoing financial issues at the time of the appointment. After all, even people that are considered to be healthy have an annual physical with their physician on a regular basis. You may think that your financial health is sound, but the truth is that it may not be as great as you think it is. Luckily, a financial planner can take a look and point out any potential causes for concern and implement a plan of action as needed.

When it comes to a regular appointment with the accountant you will be asked a variety of different questions. The questions will have to deal with you finances, gross income, expenses, assets, and any debt incurred. the answers given to the question will allow the accountant to get a pretty accurate idea as to what assements and test will need to be ran in order to offer you the best recommendations for your needs. This is great as it ensures that you aren’t getting the same vague advice as everyone else, but rather information that directly applies to your situation. If you are for some reason convinced that the financial planner does not have your best interest in mind you can seek out a second opinion with one of the many cpa firms in Los Angeles.

There is so much more that goes into a financial screening than many seem to realize. There are many different details involved with each case and it is important that those details are not haphazardly … Read the rest

If you are hurt at work, do you have a viable worker comp claim against your boss? Did a coworker hurt you and now you aren’t sure if you should file a claim against your employer? Are you dealing with discrimination or are your benefits being denied? No matter what the employee issues are that you are dealing with, an specialist can help you as a new client. When it comes to dealing with employment lawsuits and cases, you want to know that you have the top employee right lawyer on your side. This is where taking the time to choose a dedicated employer/employee relations lawyer, is going to serve your purpose. 

For starters, the team specializes in employment laws and cases. What this means for you as a new client is

  • They are going to answer your questions and concerns
  • They will help you decide if you should file a lawsuit
  • The lawyers will work with you in fighting for your benefits
  • If there is discrimination in the workplace, they will address those issues
  • If you are hurt, they can help you receive compensation and damages you are owed
  • If your employer is threatening to fire you, your legal team will inform you of what the best steps are to deal with those issues

Every employee is dealing with different issues and concerns in the workplace. If you are disabled and your employer does not have the accommodations in place for you to do your job, this can possibly lead to a lawsuit you might choose to file. If you’re hurt on the job, that’s another case. Or, if you are having problems with social security benefits, stemming from your employer not wanting to pay because they terminated you, what do you do? 

Only with the top legal team in place will you find the answer to these and other questions you might have, as it pertains to employment lawsuit you are thinking about filing. Your legal team will not only fight for you, but work with you to determine if you have a claim. And, if there is a lawsuit to be filed, they’ll work with you throughout the process. Furthermore, the right lawyers will make sure you are going to receive all of the monies and damages owed to you, so that you aren’t settling with your former employer for less than your case is actually … Read the rest

If you are denied SS benefits, aren’t sure how much you are entitled to, or don’t know where to begin when applying for benefits, a social security attorney can help you. Not only will the right social security attorney and firm work with you through all phases of your application process or denial, but we can also advise you in how to go about receiving benefits, or other financial and government aid, if you are denied a portion of the social security income you were expecting to earn.

The social security administration goes through a series of different aspects in determining how much you are due when you retire. Every retiree has to provide their

  • Earning statement
  • Information about taxes and pensions
  • Information about their former employer
  • Details about whether they served in the military or if their spouse did
  • Any insurance benefits they are going to receive

Furthermore, there are other pieces of information which can affect how much you are entitled to, when you do choose to apply for benefits. If you are not sure how the process works, if you have questions about your benefits or denial, or if you are not sure how to talk with the SS administration, the right legal team can help.

Not only do we specialize in social security cases, we can help you in many other ways as well as a senior. If you are denied other benefits, or if you are not receiving as much as you thought through Medicare, we can help you with those funds. If you are not sure how to apply, or how to apply for your spouse or a disabled child you care for, we can provide guidance on these fronts as well. Every retiree has different aspects that will impact how much they will receive in social security benefits. We’re here to make sure you receive what you’re entitled to.

If you are ready to retire, have retired, or are ready to apply for benefits and are not sure where to begin, our team of specialists are here to walk with you through all phases of the process. Reach out to our firm today to learn more about our legal areas of practice. Or, visit our site so you can fill out the online form, to have one of our social security experts get back to you, and discuss your benefits and how much you’re entitled … Read the rest